The Maneuver ID Challenge
A “Challenge” is a means to engage academia, industry, and the public towards solving a common problem and advancing the state of the art. In the context of Machine Learning, challenges have commonly involved open competitions organized around a publicly-released data set. The world-wide collaboration resulting from such challenges has historically driven fundamental advances in many fields. In some communities, these challenges are also called “Hackathons.”
The U.S. Air Force released a dataset from Pilot Training Next (PTN) through the AI Accelerator of Air Force pilots and trainees flying in virtual reality simulators. In an effort to enable AI coaching and automatic maneuver grading in pilot training, the Air Force seeks to automatically identify and label each maneuver flown in this dataset from a catalog of around 30 maneuvers. Your solution helps advance the state of the art in flying training!This Challenge will continue indefinitely. Participants may submit their solutions as soon as they’re ready! Details on how to submit will be released shortly.You can also read the following publications detailing the Maneuver ID Challenge set up and updates for more information:
AI Enabled Maneuver Identification via the Maneuver ID Challenge